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Fall (2017) – Bruce Bai
This piece depicts a scene all Vancouverites are familiar with: the wind starts to blow, and the leaves turn colours and soon fall to the ground. The clouds roll in as the temperature drops, and the rain begins. All the lush greens from the summer is destined to fade away, yet new leaves will grow on the same trees next spring. “I can’t stop the leaves from falling, but I can’t keep them from growing either. When I feel lost, there is hope.”

Born in China, Bruce Bai followed his musical pursuits to the Canadian west coast. Actively exploring careers as a composer, songwriter, sound designer, and a solo performing artist, he has studied voice with Geordie Robert and composition with Mark Armanini at Capilano University. Since November 16, 2014, his works has been performed by various ensembles and orchestras such as Toronto Dim Sum Ensemble, Vancouver Inter-Culture Orchestra (VICO), The Piano and Erhu Project (PEP), as well as Taiwan’s Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra. Focusing on exploring the combination of western and eastern musical elements, he aims to seek innovation that is built on ancient traditions.

錄音師、詞曲作家、男高音。生於中國哈爾濱,年少時移居溫哥華。迄今,半生在中國,半生在加國。在加拿大溫哥華他開始了對中西音樂文化探索之不歸路。于Langara College 學習音樂錄制、電子編程、影視配樂及音樂製作。后于Capilano University音樂系主修作曲輔修聲樂,師從作曲家Mark Armanini及男中音Geordie Robert。其作品包括中文獨唱及合唱、中樂管弦樂、跨文化室內樂、管弦樂、電子樂、搖滾樂,已出版個人聲樂專輯《說不清》。二零一四年開始其作品分別被溫哥華跨文化管弦樂團,多倫多點心絲竹樂團,加拿大新動派(PEP)組合,台灣小巨人絲竹樂團演奏。鐘情于中國傳統戲曲、民歌小調、重金屬。妄圖融合中國音樂不為人熟知之美于當代音樂之中。事未竟,仍懵懂探究中。萬幸好奇心未減,人善相助多。