Friday May 9, 2014 – 12-12:50pm, Performance Centre, Roundhouse
Geling Jiang - sanxian, ruan, zheng
Geling Jiang is an award-winning multi-instrumentalist on sanxian (three-string fretless lute), zheng, pipa and ruan. She started her professional training at the age of 10. After graduated from Wu Han Conservatory of Music, she joined the Chime Bell Ensemble of Hubei Province for 20 years. With the ensemble, she recorded numerous radio broadcasts, TV programs, and films and toured in the United States, Japan and Singapore.
In 2004, Geling immigrated to Canada and started to perform with a number of Vancouver ensembles, including Orchid Ensemble, Red Chamber, and Cloud Bell Ensemble. With the Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra and BC Chinese Orchestra, she gives regular concerts as a core member and soloist. In the past few years, she has collaborated with musicians from different cultures and adapted techniques from other ethnic instruments on her own instruments. On Red Chamber’s second album, she performed her own composition for solo sanxian. Geling has toured across Canada, the United States, Netherlands, Philippian, Malaysia, and China, performing at music festivals, prestigious concert halls, and educational institutions.
Song Yun-erhu
Song Yun’s unique approach to music comes from her studies of both Chinese and western music since a young age.Combining the techniques of the western violin with the sensibility of the erhu, Song is an ideal interpreter of new compositions. She has premiered numerous new works at the Sonic Boom Festival. Her performance of the erhu concertoNight Bird Singing by Mark Armanini with Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra has been recorded for national release.Song performs frequently as a soloist with the BC Chinese Orchestra and the BC Chinese Music Ensemble.
Song has won numerous awards in China: the first prize of the National Instrumental Competition in 1982, “The Best Performer” in The Erhu Performing Arts Association of Beijing in 1983, the first prize Springs Autumn National Arts Invitational Erhu Competition in 1986, and the Grand Prix of the Central TV Erhu Excellence Award in 1989, and subsequently appointed as a Committee Member of the Chinese Music Association. Song studied with erhu master Liu Ming-yuan at the China Conservatory of Music and graduated in 1987. She moved to Japan to perform and teach for many years and released numerous CDs. In 2004, she immigrated to Canada. She is currently a faculty at the BC Youth Chinese Orchestra and performs with various ensembles in Vancouver.
Charlie Lui – dizi/Chinese bamboo flute (呂畇初 -笛子)
A multiple award winner, Charlie masters a wide range of Chinese wind instruments. Charlie is the principal dizi player and general director of the BC Chinese Music Orchestra, a member of the Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra, and the co-founder of Pentatonics. As a soloist, Charlie has performed numerous dizi concerti and has performed on a number of CDs. In 2011, he premiered concerto grosso“Tsu-ur Song” (潮歌) by Dr. Ning Wang (王寧) with the Nu: BC and the BC Chinese Music Ensemble in a Canada-China collaboration. In the same year Charlie also performed Steve Chatman’s “Earth Songs” with Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. Charlie studied the dizi with Jian Min Pan (潘建明) in Vancouver and Wei-Yu Tan (譚謂裕) in China.
江革玲 ─ 筝、阮、三弦
弹拨乐演奏家江革玲,自幼学习琵琶, 1978年考入湖北省戏曲学校京剧科,系统学习各种戏曲乐器,包括京二胡、月琴、三弦等。1984年进入湖北编钟乐团,同年随乐团进京参加35周年国庆庆典演出,并参与中国唱片总公司《千古绝响》音带的录制。1988年,考入武汉音乐学院,跟随吴青教授学习筝。1993年做为文化使者访问日本东京,并接受日本经济新闻采访。参与了《中国音乐文物大系》的撰写及多部广播剧、电视剧的音乐录制。自1993-2004年期间,多次访问日本、美国、新加坡、以及香港、 台湾等国家和地区。2004年移居加拿大,加入韩梅组建的“红庭弹拨乐团”,并随团巡演于北美,欧洲以及亚洲多个国家。多年来不断潜心专研筝、阮、三弦、 柳琴等弹拨乐器的演奏,且活跃于加拿大多个不同文化的音乐团体,被誉为“弹拨乐器的多面手”。2010年,组建“庇诗阮乐团”,并担任庇诗青年中乐团弹拨组导师。
宋云 ─ 二胡
演奏家宋云自幼学习二胡、小提琴, 并多次获得中国音乐比赛大奖,被聘为中国音乐家协会二胡理事。宋云自中国音乐学院毕业后,於1987年赴日本,继续从事中国音乐表演及教学,并出版了多张个人独奏专辑光碟。2004年,宋云移民加拿大,开始与包括庇诗中乐团、温哥华中乐团等乐队合作演出,并出任庇诗青年中乐团导师。宋云在二胡演奏上的独特风格, 来自於对东西方音乐的理解与融合。宋云已在Sonic Boon音乐节中首演了多首二胡作品,加拿大作曲家马克・亚曼尼尼( Mark Armanini )并为她谱曲二胡协奏曲【Night Bird Singing】,由温哥华跨文化管弦乐团伴奏,收录在最新CD中,於北美发行。
呂畇初 -笛子