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Friday May 9, 2014 – 1:10-2:00pm, Exhibition Hall, Roundhouse

piano accompaniment Henry Chen

Yu-Chen Wang – zheng

Yu-Chen graduated from Taiwan’s Tainan National University of the Arts, studying both the zheng and composition. Performing with precision and astonishing technique, Yu-Chen has premiered numerous contemporary works by many ground-breaking composers in Asia and North America. Her own compositions blend western classical and Chinese traditional music and place the zheng in combinations of unconventional instrumentations.

Yu-Chen has appeared as a soloist with numerous orchestras in Taiwan and the US. Yu-Chen was a guest artist with Kansas City’s newEar contemporary chamber ensemble, UMKC Music Nova. She is a member of Compost Q (improvisation) and Orchid Ensemble. Yu-Chen has won numerous awards: the Gold Prize at the “Golden Lotus” International Youth Music Competition in Macau, a three-time First Prize wnner at the Taiwan National Music Competition, First Prize at the Chinese Musical Instrument Association’s Competition, and the winner of the Taiwan Young Concert Artist Competition.

王于真─  古箏臺灣古箏演奏家、作曲家,現旅居美國,為Compost Q即興樂團及蘭韻中樂團成員,並經常應邀至不同城市,演奏北美和亞洲作曲家的新作品。畢業於國立台南藝術大學七年一貫制中國音樂學系,主修古箏,師事林東河和黃好吟老師。副修作曲,師事黃曉飛、莊效文、董昭民等老師。贏得獎項:2007年第二屆澳門金荷盃國際青少年音樂大賽青年專業組古箏專業「金獎」,台北市立國樂團「國樂亮晶晶」新秀。2005年台南藝術大學中國音樂學系《南藝之星》及《兩廳院傳統器樂新秀》。2001、2003、2005年全國音樂比賽少年組、高中職組、大專組古箏獨奏第一名。2002、2005年中華民國國樂學會彈撥器樂大賽古箏青少年組、成人組第一名。協奏音樂會:與高雄市立國樂團演出陳明志古箏與尺八協奏曲「刮風的日子」、與國立台南藝術大學中國音樂學系樂團演出「西楚霸王」、與國家國樂團演出「雲裳訴」、與小巨人絲竹樂團演出「汨羅江幻想曲」。

Yu-Chen Wang (VICO soloist) 3.jpg
