Sound of Dragon Music Festival – Educational Program
Friday April 22, 2016 – 1:00pm-2:00pm, Performance Centre, Roundhouse
181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver (Yaletown)
$6/ person (students, teachers, parents) for groups of up to 20 people
$5/ person (students, teachers, parents) for groups of 21 or more people
Limited capacity, please book your seats with Peggy Hua at or tel:778-908-4568
As an alternative, Sound of Dragon Society can send Sounds Global Ensemble to perform at your school for a flat fee, and the dates are more flexible.
Ka Dao Yin (Taiwan)
Performing improvised music on a cross-cultural instrumentation, Ka Dao Yin’s members are based in Taipei and London. With its signature combination of piano, C-saxophone, sheng (Chinese mouth organ), and zheng (Chinese zither), the music of Ka Dao Yin stands at the crossroads of contemporary classical music, Chinese folk music, free improvisation, and jazz. This unique presentation invites students to participate in sound exploration. Followed by demonstrations on the instruments, the students will help the musicians to create instant compositions by suggesting words, images, colours, moods, and stories. Musical ideas will also be realized with movements and dances. The presentation will finish with a Q & A in the end.
Sounds Global Ensemble (Vancouver)
An ensemble that sounds like how Vancouver looks, it’s diverse repertoire is drawn from Jewish, Persian, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Indian and Chinese music. This band is comprised of some of Vancouver’s most active musicians in the world music scene: Moshe Denburg on guitar, Ali Razmi on tar, Jonathan Bernard on percussion, Lan Tung on erhu (Chinese 2-string violin), and Bic Hoang on danbau (Vietnamese 1-string zither). They are also singers, creating an unusual mix of ethnic vocal styles.
What is Sound of Dragon Music Festival?
The 2nd Sound of Dragon Music Festival will present various concerts and outreach activities in April 2016 in the Greater Vancouver, leading up to the 3-day festival on April 22-24, 2016 at the Roundhouse. It is Vancouver’s first festival devoted to “Chinese music”, showcasing very diverse musical styles: ancient folk and classical repertoire, contemporary compositions, jazz, world, fusion, and avant-garde improvisation in solo, chamber, and orchestral performances. While presenting authentic traditional music, the festival promotes creativity and innovation in imaginative new ensembles and projects utilizing unusual cross-cultural instrumentations. By presenting musicians, ensembles and composers from different ethnicities, nationalities, and musical genres, Sound of Dragon re-defines “Chinese music” and reflects Vancouver’s growing multicultural environment, representing a highly creative music scene.
第二屆龍吟滄海音樂節將於2016年4月22至24日假Roundhouse Community Centre舉辦。4月22日星期五下午,特別為小朋友們準備了一場校園音樂會,歡迎大溫地區學校帶領學生蒞臨觀賞,特別優待票:學生、老師、家長同行,每人收費$6;21人以上團體,每人收費$5。請洽Peggy Hua (電郵ranny1026@gmail.com或致電 778-908-4568) 訂位。
卡到音即興樂團(Ka Dao Yin)-臺灣第25屆傳藝金曲獎最佳跨界音樂得獎團隊首次來溫哥華
成立於2009年8月,「卡到音」由台灣鋼琴家李世揚及德籍薩克斯風演奏家卡領軍。團名「卡到音」諧音“卡到陰”- 英文to be caught up in,形容陷入了某種膠著的狀態;中文則說明了即興演奏時可能遭遇的危險與未知,演奏者如遇鬼魅般的神祕經驗。「卡到音」的音樂裡,同時存在著前衛的聲響實驗、純樸的民族樂風、嚴謹的古典思維、動感的爵士搖滾,這是一種難以定義,具多重性且融合的新音樂。
世界之聲樂團 (Sounds Global Ensemble)(溫哥華)-可另擇期到貴校為全體師生演出,時間及演出費可再議。
一個樂團的聲音能反應出溫哥華這個城市的多元風貌,這就是世界之聲樂團。她的成員,是溫哥華世界音樂領域中的佼佼者:猶太背景的莫諧.丹伯格(Moshe Denburg)演奏吉他、來自臺灣的董籃演奏二胡、來自伊朗的阿里.瑞茲米(Ali Rezmi)演奏波斯塔爾琴(Tar)、來自越南的王瑙碧(Hoàng, Ngọc Bích)演奏越南獨弦琴、加拿大音樂家艾米.史蒂芬(Amy Stephen)演奏愛爾蘭笛與手風琴,猶太裔的強納生.伯那德(Jonathan Bernard)演奏打擊樂。除了演奏樂器,他們也是作曲家,各自為樂團帶來有民族特色的樂曲,涵蓋猶太、波斯、臺灣、中國、愛爾蘭、越南、印度各地。同時,他們也是歌唱家,以自已民族傳統的獨特唱腔演唱。
第二屆龍吟滄海音樂節將於2016年4月22至24日假Roundhouse Community Centre舉辦,為期三天的多場音樂會中,將稟持承襲傳統、追求創新的精神,展現中華傳統樂器的多元風貌。節目內容涵蓋民俗、古典、原創作品、爵士樂、世界音樂、實驗音樂等,在保存、宣揚傳統文化精髓的同時,也改變一般民眾對傳統樂器的刻版印象。