Dailin Hsieh – Art of Zheng
Sunday April 24, 2016 – 4:00-5:00pm, Performance Centre, Roundhouse
with Chun-De Liu 劉俊德 (zheng) & Mark McGregor (flute)
Lui Qing Niang – Traditional Chinese music
《柳青娘》- 古曲
Tune of Mulberry (1979) – Zhou, Yan-Jia
Improvisation – Dailin Hsieh & Chun De Liu, zheng duet
《即興》-謝岱霖 & 劉俊德(箏二重奏)
Along the River During the Qingming Festival (1980) – Liu, Wei-Guang
with flutist Mark McGregor
《清明上河圖》 劉為光
Haru no Umi (The Sea in the Spring) (1929) – Michio Miyagi
with flutist Mark McGregor
Star Dust (2008) – Fan Wei-Tsu
Dai-Lin HSIEH, one of the most talented zheng performers of her generation, is very active on stage as a soloist and chamber music player in Taiwan and abroad. Performing with precision and astonishing techniques, She has been invited to perform in China, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, Japan, United States, Canada, Germany, Swiss, Luxembourg and Belgium. Dai-Lin has received numerous awards: nominee of the Best Album in the Traditional Music Category, 22nd Golden Records in Taiwan (Treasures of Zheng: An Album of Zheng Music); winner of The 2010 Star of Traditional Taiwanese Music & Culture Ambassador of Tainan; Laureate of The National Concert Hall’s Traditional Music Star in the Silk & Bamboo Ensemble Category (2010) as well as in the Zheng Soloist Category (2007); Second Prize and the Best Performance of the Designated Work in the 2007 Zheng Competition of the Taipei Chinese Orchestra.
In recent years, Dailin has given many solo recitals internationally and premiered a number of important Taiwanese zheng compositions, including Fan Wei-Tsu’s Star Dusts (2008), Dark Angels (2010), Teresa Deng for Zheng Duet (2011, premier in China), Zheng Concerto Arabesque (2014), Wang I-Yu’s Mi (2011), and Wei Chih-Chen’s Between Stream and Hills III (2012). Her solo CD Zheng Image, released in 2014, is a collection of new compositions, and it has quickly met critical acclaim.
Dailin is the founder of Augmented Sixth zheng ensemble, a soloist with the Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra, and she performs regularly with the Taipei Municipal Chinese Orchestra and Wei Yi New Chinese Music. As an educator, she teaches at a number of music schools in Taiwan, from high schools to universities.
Graduated from National Normal University with a Master’s Degree in Ethnomusicology and from National Tainan University of Arts with a Bachelor Degree in Music, Ms. Hsieh started studying zheng at the age of six. Her teachers were Chen Li-Hua, Cheng Te-Yuan, Huang Chun-Shi, Huang Wen-Ling and Fan Wei-Tsu.
臺灣青年箏樂演奏家。近年活躍於海內外音樂舞台,曾受邀赴中國、新加坡、澳門、香港、日本、美國、加拿大、德國、瑞士、盧森堡、比利時等地擔任獨奏、重奏、協奏演出。 歷年主要獲獎紀錄包括:「箏藏」箏樂演奏專輯,入圍台灣第22屆金曲獎-最佳民族音樂專輯獎(2010)。第一屆【台灣傳樂之星暨府城文化大使】,並赴盧森堡、比利時等地舉辦個人獨奏會Rencontre musicale orient- occident(2010)、兩廳院【傳統器樂新秀】絲竹室內樂(2010)、兩廳院【傳統器樂新秀】箏獨奏首獎(2007)、臺北市立國樂團第14屆【民族器樂古箏大賽】銀獎及《趣夢亂》最佳詮釋獎(2007)。
近年來謝岱霖多次舉辦個人箏樂演奏會,並曾首演多部臺灣箏樂作品,包含樊慰慈作品《星塵》(2008)、《夜魔》(2010)、《鄧麗君》二重奏版本(2011,中國首演)、《阿拉貝斯克》協奏版本(2014),以及王乙聿作品《密》(2011)、魏志真作品Between Stream and Hills III(2012)。
Chun-Te Liu (Guzheng) is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese music. He graduated from the Chinese Music Department at Tainan National University of the Arts, majoring in guzheng. Later he studied composition at Chiao Tung University in Hsin-Chu, Taiwan. He now works as a dancer with a number of Taiwanese dance companies, while contributing as a composer and performer on the zheng.
古箏|劉俊德 畢業於台南藝術大學中國音樂學系,主修古箏,曾獲台灣區音樂比賽古箏組第二名。曾於交通大學音樂研究所作曲組深造,並跟隨董昭民、李子聲教授學習作曲。現為卡到音即興樂團成員、古箏演奏家、自由音樂創作者。其音樂創作類型廣泛,多次受邀譜寫器樂獨奏、室內樂合奏曲等,並創作劇場音樂。在深厚的傳統音樂背景下,他的即興演奏卻能跳出傳統框架,追尋靈活創意的嶄新聲音。同時他也以舞者身分活躍於舞台上,曾為台南人劇團演員、竹塹舞人舞蹈劇場、林文中舞團團員。目前為安娜琪舞蹈劇場舞者。
Mark McGregor – flutes
Mark McGregor, DMA, is presently the principal flutist of Victoria’s Aventa Ensemble, the Ottawa-based Ensemble 1534, and a founding member of Vancouver’s Tiresias Duo with pianist Rachel Iwaasa. Dr. McGregor has also performed as a member of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, the Vancouver Opera Orchestra, the National Arts Centre Orchestra, and as guest principal flute of the Victoria Symphony and Vancouver Island Symphony Orchestra. He has performed as a soloist and chamber musician across North America, Europe, Australia, and Israel, with notable appearances at Festival Montréal-Nouvelles Musique, Music Gallery (Toronto), Vancouver New Music Festival, New Works Calgary, Athelas New Music Festival (Copenhagen), and the Internationale A•DEvantgarde-Festival (Munich).