Dong Mei started her pursuit of dance at the age of eleven. Her passion for dance has led her through all the intensive trainings at the Beijing Dance Academy (BDA), where she received a Master of Fine Arts degree. She completed the master class with the nationally renowned Uyghur artist Hailiqiem, receiving a perfect mark which set a new benchmark in the history of BDA. With her special interest in the dances of China’s many minority groups, she has travelled extensively within the country to study various styles. Dong Mei has traveled all over the world, performing at prestigious venues such as the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and China’s National Center for the Performing Arts. She has received many awards, including the Wenhua Award for Outstanding Artists, China’s most prestigious award for the performing arts. As a dancer and choreographer, Dong Mei produces regularly major solo dance shows in Vancouver. The recent production of “Dongmei: A Conversation with Water and Life” was a sold out show at the Vancouver Playhouse.
冬梅於11歲開始在北京舞蹈學院就讀,從附中、大学、到取得藝術硕士( MFA學位)。在大學三年级時,冬梅就已贏得中華人民共和國文化部主辦的專業舞台藝術最高獎項「個人文華表演獎」。大學期间,參與新疆维吾爾族著名表演藝術家海力且姆·斯迪克的大師研習班,以一百分的成绩结業,取得北京舞蹈學院歷届考試以來從未有過的優秀成绩。做為舞蹈家及編舞家,冬梅活躍於世界的舞台,曾在肯尼迪藝術中心,林肯劇院,北京國家大劇院等表演多部的舞劇和作品。冬梅自己創作的個人舞蹈專場「冬梅和水、生命的對话」,在温哥華Playhouse劇場首演,獲得了極大的迴響。