Sunday May 11, 2014 – 2:40-3:40pm, Performance Centre, Roundhouse
Established in 1997, the JUNO nominated Orchid Ensemble transforms its Chinese roots to create a unique repertoire that breaks down boundaries between musical genres. Taking ingredients from Chinese, Indian, Jewish, and Central Asian music, reconstructing within a contemporary framework, and adding spirited improvisation, the Orchid Ensemble takes its audience on unexpected journeys. With artistic director Lan Tung (Taiwan/Canada) on the erhu/Chinese violin & vocals, Yuchen Wang (Taiwan/US) on the zheng/Chinese zither, and Jonathan Bernard (Canada) on marimba & percussion, the ensemble creates a distinct new sound.
It actively commissions new compositions, and at the same time produces annual concerts to present innovative cross-cultural and interdisciplinary programs. Past collaborators included Mozaico Flamenco Dance Theatre, Uzume Taiko, Flicker Arts Collaboratory, Alan Kushan (Persian santur), Mike Braverman (klezmer), and Moving Dragon (Chinese contemporary dance).
The Orchid Ensemble gives over fifty performances/presentations internationally every year, including music festivals, community concerts, school presentations, and university residencies. Past appearances included National Arts Centre (Ottawa), Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, Harbourfront Centre (Toronto), Centre Pierre Peladeau (Montreal), Kennedy Center for the Arts (DC), the Smithsonian Institute (DC), Detroit Institute of the Arts, Ottawa Chamber Music and Folk festivals, and Vancouver Jazz, Folk and Children’s festivals.
蘭韻中樂團 (溫哥華)
蘭韻中樂團成立於1997年,團員包括來自台灣的二胡演奏家董籃、 古箏演奏家王于真、及加國東部的打擊樂家強納生‧柏那德。樂團獨特的樂器組合,以古典與現代結合,曲目豐富多樣並不斷創新,跨越多重風格,包含融合西洋作曲法及東方藝術思維的原創樂曲,並嘗試世界音樂、爵士樂及即興演奏。他們成熟的音樂表現力和默契的合作,取之于他們紮實的技巧,同時更是他們不斷借鑒與重組不同音樂文化精華的結果。每年樂團以不同主題舉辦音樂會,邀請華裔及其他族裔作曲家、音樂家共同參與。近年來音樂會規模擴大,融入了舞蹈、動畫、書法、及多媒體藝術。
樂團於2004年發行的唱片「喀什之路」(Road to Kashgar),是對中國絲路文化探索的呈獻,擁有加拿大音樂界高度評價,經常於國家廣播電台CBC上選播,並獲得加拿大最重要的音樂獎–JUNO AWARD提名「最佳世界音樂」。首張唱片《心園》(Heartland)亦獲得2001年加西音樂獎兩項提名。2012年唱片「生死淚夢」(Life Death Tears Dream),獲得加拿大民俗音樂獎提名,並以「月舞」一曲獲得美國國際獨立音樂獎。