Vancouver Oriental Philharmonic Choirs & Egret Choir
Saturday April 23, 2016 – 4:00-5:00pm, Performance Centre

The Vancouver Oriental Philharmonic Choir was founded in September 2007 by director Tyler Xu, with the goal of creating a choir of high standards. Since then, the choir has expanded from 20 members to over 70, with capable singers carefully chosen through auditions. The VOPC has developed a diverse repertoire, including classic operatic choruses, art songs, traditional folk songs, and ethnic tunes from all over China. In 2013, the VOPC took part in the 3rd “Southern China Choral Arts Festival” in Hainan, where a multitude of accolades have been bestowed upon them. The recognition from the judges and audience has further encouraged the choir.
Tyler Xu, music director and conductor of Vancouver Oriental Philharmonic Choirs, started to learn the violin at an early age. In 1981, he studied violin and choir conducting at Nanjing Normal University. Xu has taught Choral Conducting and Choral Music at Nanjing Teachers’ College and Nanjing Normal University. He has conducted choirs including “Edelweiss Women’s Choir of Nanjing Normal University, the Students’ Choir of Nanjing Teachers’ College. In August 2007, with the support of many friends who shared the same passion for choral music, he founded the “Oriental Philharmonic Choir Society”.
溫哥華愛樂合唱團於2007年由指揮徐天龍創立,團員都是經過嚴謹的試音和視唱甄選出來的,其中不乏受過專業聲樂訓練的好手,由成立之初的20幾名團員,至今已增至70多名,是一支在穩健中茁壯成長的合唱團隊。「愛樂」的選曲多元,包括經典的歌劇合唱、世界知名的藝術歌曲、民謠,以及中國各地的民歌、小調等。2013 年,「愛樂」遠赴海南島參加「第三屆中國南方合唱藝術周」的比賽,贏得「成人混聲組金獎」、「指揮獎」及「椰城獎」三座大獎,並獲得評委和觀眾們的高度肯定。