Di Zhang – Yangqin (Chinese dulcimer) solo 張迪揚琴獨奏
Saturday April 23, 2016 – 4:00-4:30pm, Performance Centre, Roundhouse

Dailin Hsieh (Taiwan – Art of Zheng) – zheng accompaniment
Zhang Di is an emerging and promising young yangqin virtuoso who is active in the Toronto’s music scene. She started to learn the yangqin at 4 years old. When she was 7, she was already accepted to the Chinese Nationalities Orchestra Society in China. In 2012, Di graduated as a top student from Central University of Nationalities in Beijing, majoring the yangqin. Di has won numerous awards, including the top award for dulcimer performance at the first ICAF national instrument contest (Singapore 2010) and the “Hua Yi Award” for best musical performance (Macao 2005). Di moved to Toronto in 2012, and became the principal of the plucked-string section with the Toronto Chinese Orchestra (TCO). Di also performs regularly with the Toronto YueFang and Melody of Bamboo Ensemble and was featured on Chinese drums at The Sony Centre for the Performing Arts and the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. In 2014, Di performed yangqin and Chinese drum at the CBCGlenn Gould Studio, presented by Canadian Sinfonietta. In 2015, she performed at Toronto Music Garden and the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall at Wilfrid Laurier University. Before joining TCO, Di was a member of Beijing’s Central Orchestra of Ethnic Minorities. Di is dedicated to and passionate about the promotion of yangqin music through performances, teaching, and cultural exchange.
张迪,青年扬琴演奏家,近年来活跃于多伦多中国民族音乐舞台, 是多倫多中樂團的彈撥首席,並加入多倫多女子樂坊。 於4 岁起跟随于文玉老师启蒙学习扬琴,2001 年考入北京艺术学院(附小),跟随中央音乐学院教授桂习礼先生学习扬琴。 2002 年以专业课第一的成绩考入中央民族大学音乐学院附中, 主修扬琴,师从于青年教师薛澍老师。 2008 年以专业课第一的成绩考入中央民族大学音乐学院, 继续跟随薛澍老师学习, 期间得到了桂习礼教授的悉心指导。2008 年加入中央少数民族乐团。2006 年“大风杯”民族器乐大赛中荣获特别金奖,2010 年新加坡“华人艺术节”民族器乐大赛青年专业组金奖。 2012 年成功的举办个人独奏音乐会在中央民族大学音乐厅, 获得教授的好评。同年毕业于中央民族大学音乐学院,在校期间多次获得奖学金,并在校外比赛中取得优异的成绩。