Have Bow Will Travel (Vancouver)

激情的、細膩的、幽默的、深沉的、爆發的,在董籃與瑪玲娜的手中,二胡與大提琴的組合是豐富多變的,從和聲的運用、旋律的組織、節奏的變化、到噪音的融合,她們彼此互輔互補。來自葡萄牙的大提琴家瑪玲娜,擅長演奏古典音樂、巴洛克音樂、跨界表演,並透過效果器變化音色。來自台灣的二胡演奏家董籃,是溫哥華多個世界音樂樂團及跨文化樂隊的創立者,以二胡加人聲的演奏方式,增添更多層次。兩人都活躍於即興音樂、現代音樂的領域,Have Bow Will Travel 融合東西方音樂語言,更致力於對新音響色彩及非傳統技巧的探索,重新演繹傳統音樂的同時,以即席演奏帶給觀眾驚艷。
2020 No Travels:
1. Float
2. Flying
3. Somnambulism (Sleepwalking)
4. Where Did It Go
5. Sea of Clouds
6. Lisbon Metro
This is a series of short improvised pieces the duo recorded in December 2020 at the Annex Theatre, Vancouver.
Intensely emotional, exquisitely delicate, amusingly humorous, utterly mesmerizing, or vigorously explosive, in the hands of creative musicians Lan Tung and Marina Hasselberg, the versatility of the erhu (Chinese violin) and cello are displayed in full ranges. The two instruments naturally complement each other, capable of creating beautiful harmonies, graceful melodies, energetic rhythms, and rich textures. Originally from Portugal, Marina performs in diverse genres, including baroque music, new music, improvisation, and interdisciplinary works that blur genre boundaries. Lan Tung transforms her Taiwanese root to cross between Vancouver’s new music, improvised music and world music scenes. Her voice either in harmony or unison with the erhu adds another dimension. Have Bow Will Travel’s music blends Asian and European classical traditions, contrasted with creative exploration of new sonic possibilities and extended techniques. Together they deliver captivating performances with original compositions, new interpretation of Chinese music, and instant compositions to take the audiences on exhilarating rides.