Huu Bac Quintet 友北五重奏 (Montreal 蒙特婁)

Festejo – Huu Bac Quach (Canada)
Huu Bac Quach erhu
Guillaume Martineau piano
Vanessa Marcoux violin
Sébastien Pellerin bass
Etienne Mason drums
March to the City of Dreams – Huu Bac Quach (Canada)
Huu Bac Quach erhu
Guillaume Martineau piano
Zoé Dumais violin
Jean-Félix Mailloux bass
Etienne Mason drums
Huu Bac Quintet 友北五重奏 (Montreal 蒙特婁)
Born in Vietnam from parents of Chinese descent, Huu Bac Quach masters a wide array of musical instruments, including the dan bau (single chord Vietnamese instrument), the erhu (Chinese fiddle), the quena (Peruvian flute) and the guitar. His compositions skillfully combine his Vietnamese and Chinese heritages with North-American jazz music. He formed the Huu Bac Quintet.
Huu Bac’s musical journey started in Montreal, at McGill University, with a sound foundation in jazz guitar. In 2002, he discovered the beauty of the Vietnamese monochord, the Dan Bau, under the guidance of master Pham Duc Thanh. In 2003, an international study grant lead him to the Shanghai Conservatory where he learned the Chinese fiddle, the Erhu, which he later perfected at Beijing Central Conservatory with professor Yang Xue and additional private lessons from master Chen Yaoxing. Back in Montreal in 2006, an encounter with renown Peruvian composer Lucho Quequezana lead him perform in Peru with the group Sonidos Vivos. Huu Bac’s intimate contact with afro-peruvian music and music from the Andes became a source of inspiration in his artistic journey,and lead him to learn the Andean bamboo flute, the Quena.
Whistling of the Trees – Huu Bac Quach (Canada)
Huu Bac Quach dan bau (vietnamese monochord)
Guillaume Martineau piano
Marie-Neige Lavigne violin
Jean-Félix Mailloux bass
Etienne Mason drums