The 6th Sound of Dragon Music Festival – May 23-26, 2024
“Vancouver’s biennial celebration of Asian sounds returns with a program that spans everything from new Chinese chamber music to a genre-smashing showcase of intercultural improvisation”. – Georgia Straight
presented by the Sound of Dragon Society
Three Concerts 三場音樂會:
1) Anand Avirmed & friends (Mongolian throat singing & horsehead fiddle)
8pm Friday May 24, 2024年5月24日星期五晚上8點
Annex Theatre, 823 Seymour Street, Vancouver
Khoomei throat singing techniques reproduce sounds heard in nature – water flowing, the wind blowing, echoes in mountains, the calls of animals. Traditionally used in shamanic ceremonies, it is performed at festive events. Anand Avirmed masters this ancient fascinating vocal skill and also performs on the haunting horsehead fiddle of Mongolia.
2) Yang Xue’s Bows & Strings’ Dance (Beijing, China) & Vancouver Erhu Quartet
8pm Saturday May 25, 2024年5月25日星期六晚上8點
楊雪、弓弦舞胡琴重奏組(北京中央音樂學院師生) & 溫哥華二胡四重奏
Annex Theatre, 823 Seymour Street, Vancouver

3) From Chinese Winds & Percussion to Indonesian Gamelan
Zhongxi Wu – suona, Charlie Lui – dizi, Tim Chen – sheng,
Hsuan-Ning Huang (Edmonton), Katie Rife, Jonathan Bernard, Dailin Hsieh – percussion
Orchid Ensemble with Sutrisno Hartana
8pm Sunday May 26, 2024年5月26日星期日晚上8點
擊樂: 黃宣寧, Katie Rife, Jonathan Bernard, 謝岱霖
嗩吶: 吳忠喜, 笛子: 呂畇初, 笙: 陳穎添
Annex Theatre, 823 Seymour Street, Vancouver

Ticket for May 24-26 Concerts:
per concert Early Bird (purchase by May 1, 2024): $19.99 regular, $15 students/seniors/children
From May 2, $25 regular, $19.99 students/seniors/children
Festival Pass for all 3 concerts: $57 regular, $42 students/seniors/children
單場門票:早鳥優惠價 (5月1日前),普通票 $19.99, 學生/長者/兒童 $15
5月2日起,普通票 $25, 學生/長者/兒童 $19.99
三場音樂會聯票: 普通票 $57,學生/長者/兒童 $42
Free Events 免費活動:
1) TJ Fest Street Party
Sat & Sun May 4 & 5, 2024年5月4~5日星期六、日
11am-4pm 早上11點到下午4點,3426 Smith Ave. Burnaby
Find the Sound of Dragon tent to try some Chinese musical instruments and participate in percussion workshops, for a taste of the rich Chinese musical cultures.
Main stage performance at 3-3:20pm Sunday May 5, 2024年5月5日星期日下午3點主舞台表演
2) “SONG OF JOY” Music Jam Party
2:30-4pm Sunday May 12, 2024年5月12日星期日下午2點半
Exhibition Hall, Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver
Bring any musical instruments and join us at this hands-on “freestyle” music jam party. Musicians of all levels and genres are welcome. You will meet and play with the 2024 Song of Joy House Band.
7-8pm Thursday May 23, 2024年5月23日星期四晚上7點
Annex Theatre, 823 Seymour Street, Vancouver
Hsuan Ning Huang (Edmonton/Taiwan) leads a hands-on workshop of traditional Chinese percussion music. Learn the techniques of various Chinese percussion instruments dagu (big Chinese drum), Chinese opera cymbals, and Chinese opera gong. Combine them in
4) Yang Xue Lecture-Demo: The Arts of Erhu Music
12-1pm Saturday May 25, 2024年5月25日星期六中午12點
Annex Theatre, 823 Seymour Street, Vancouver
Yang Xue, faculty of Central Conservatory of Music (Beijing) gives a lecture/demonstration on the erhu: traditional styles, contemporary developments, her teaching approaches, and her Bows and Strings’ Dance Huqin Ensemble.
Online Programs 線上節目 (Free 免費欣賞):
Sara’s Interview online