“SONG OF JOY” Music Jam Party【歡樂歌】音樂派對
2:30-4pm Sunday May 12, 2024 – Free 免費入場
Exhibition Hall, The Roundhouse, Vancouver

Bring any musical instrument and join us at this hands-on “freestyle” music jam party. Musicians of all levels and genres are welcome. You will meet and play with musicians from Vancouver’s Chinese music community.
We will select popular Chinese folk tunes and some Celtic jigs and reels to begin with, but all genres are welcome. Some sheet music will be provided on site for those interested in reading. If you’d like to receive the lead sheets ahead of time, please email us at soundofdragon@gmail.com. You can also just show up and play the music by ear. Professional, amateur, or students are all welcome. The informal event is free and open to listeners as well.