Sound of Dragon Music Festival – Concert 3:
From Chinese Winds & Percussion to Indonesian Gamelan (Edmonton, Vancouver, Indonesia)
Zhongxi Wu / Hsuan Ning Huang / Katie Rife / Charlie Lui / Tim Chan; Orchid Ensemble / Sutrisno Hartana
從中國吹打樂到印尼甘美朗: 吳忠喜/黃宣寧/呂畇初/陳穎添/蘭韻樂團及特邀印尼音樂家
8pm Sunday May 26, 2024年5月26日星期日晚上8點
Annex Theatre, 823 Seymour Street, Vancouver
Chinese Winds & Percussion Music is a genre deeply rooted in traditional life style and an important part of festivals and temple celebrations. Composers have also used this instrumentation and draw inspiration from folk traditions to create new works. In this concert, we will present well known works from China, as well as the world premiere of music composed by Zhongxi Wu.
Winds 吹管:
Zhongxi Wu 吳忠喜 – suona (Chinese reed winds) 嗩吶 & sheng (Chinese mouth organ) 笙
Charlie Lui 呂畇初 – dizi (Chinese flutes) 笛子
Tim Chan 陳穎添 – sheng (Chinese mouth organ) 笙
Percussion 打擊: Hsuan-Ning Huang 黃宣寧 (Edmonton), Jonathan Bernard, Katie Rife, Dailin Hsieh 謝岱霖
thanks to UZUME Taiko for the use of the large Chinese drum
Soloists 獨奏:
Zhongxi Wu 吳忠喜 – suona 嗩吶 & sheng 笙
Hailing from the 4th generation of suona players in his family, he graduated from the Heilongiang Performing Arts University in 1993. He has toured in China, Japan, the USA, Europe, and Canada, and has been featured in numerous solo, chamber and orchestral recordings and performances, spanning a diverse range of styles including traditional Chinese music and opera, contemporary music, experimental theatre, Celtic traditions, and jazz collaborations. Recently, the Western Canada Music Awards awarded “Jasmine Jazz,” his collaboration with the Vancouver Chinese Ensemble and the Jodi Proznick Trio, Best Instrumental Artist of 2023. As suona and sheng soloist, he premiered Rita Ueda’s double concerto, Birds Calling…From the Canada in You, with the Orchestre Métropolitain de Montréal in 2022. Subsequently, he performed this work to great acclaim in London, UK with the Philharmonia Orchestra in 2023, and in 2024, with the Esprit Orchestra in Toronto, and the Orchestra of St. Luke’s at Lincoln Center in New York, working with conductors Alexandre Bloch, Nicolas Ellis, Alex Pauk, and Steven Mercurio. He has taught students at the University of British Columbia’s Music Department, and is a faculty member at the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra School of Music.
Zhongxi Wu 吳忠喜 – souna 嗩吶
吳忠喜 – 嗩吶 & 笙
吳忠喜, 中國民族管絃樂學會名譽理事。出生於中國東北黑龍江省嗩吶世家,8歲與父親學習演奏嗩吶及民族管樂器,15歲參加縣劇團工作。93年畢業於黑龍江省藝術學校,入省龍江劇院工作。多次榮獲國內各種演奏獎項,錄製盒帶、個人演奏CD專輯 ,與民族歌舞劇院出訪日本、美國、香港等地。1999年在紐約林肯中心音樂廳與長風中樂團、中國戲劇工作坊合作演出嗩吶、笙獨奏。參加蒙特利爾國際手風琴藝術節,演奏笙。2011年赴英國倫敦參加皇室國際軍樂節。多次於西雅圖手風琴藝術節演奏笙。溫哥華中華爵士樂團創始人之一,參演溫哥華爵士音樂節。曾經與華盛頓州大學交響樂團合作,演出序曲《龍騰虎躍》。與深圳交響樂團赴西雅圖Benaroya音樂廳,演出嗩吶《二人轉交響》。與 BC 中樂團演奏多首嗩吶、管子獨奏及協奏,錄製CD。參與Alan R .Thrasher and Gloria N. Wong 主編,BC中樂協會出版的《樂器》一書裏的嗩吶與笙示範講解。2015年與三角洲警察風笛隊赴荷蘭參加軍樂節,與BC 中樂團赴卡加利、埃德蒙頓演出嗩吶協奏曲《花木蘭》。任溫哥華交響樂團音樂學校中國管樂教師,庇詩華夏樂團、溫哥華多元文化管弦樂團、三角洲警察風笛隊(演奏風笛)團員。
Hsuan-Ning Huang 黃宣寧 – Percussion 打擊
Hsuan-Ning graduated from Tainan Arts University in Taiwan and received her Bachelor and Master’s degrees from the Central Conservatory in Beijing, China. She has studied with master percussionists Dehua Shi, Huang-ren Su, and Jianhua Wang. Before moving to Canada in 2021, she was the percussionist with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Kaoqiong Percussion Ensemble, China Youth Chinese Orchestra, Tainan Chinese Orchestra, and Macao Chinese Orchestra. She has been a soloist at the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra’s Percussion Festival in 2012, 2019, and 2020 and toured Macao, China, Singapore, Russia, Korea, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Hungary, and Czech. She has won the 3rd place at the 2011 China International Percussion Competition, the 1st place of the 9th Hong Kong Best Young Drummer Competition.
Hsuan-Ning Huang 黃宣寧 – percussion 打擊樂
黃宣寧 – 打擊
黃宣寧畢業於臺灣臺南藝術大學中國音樂學系、北京中央音樂學院⺠樂系本科及碩士班,先後師從施德華老師、蘇皇任老師以及著名中國敲擊樂演奏家、教育家王建華。於2021年移民加拿大前,曾任香港中樂團、高雄敲擊樂團「太一鼓樂」、鼓往金來鼓樂藝術團、中國青年⺠族樂團、高雄市國樂團、台南市⺠族管絃樂團、澳門中樂團、加拿大英才中樂團等打擊演奏員。與香港中樂團於香港鼓樂節鼓王群英會演出多首協奏曲: 2012年「夜深沉」、2019年「龍年新世紀雙打擊協奏曲第一樂章《太陽》、第二樂章《月亮》」、2020年雲鑼協奏「鋼水奔流」 ,並隨團出演至澳門、中國、新加坡、俄羅斯、韓國、奧地利、德國、瑞士、比利時、匈牙利、捷克。2011年8月於中國第三屆國際打擊樂大賽暨箭麗打擊樂藝術節,榮獲⺠族鼓專業青年組三等獎。 10月參加第九屆香港活力鼓令24式擂台賽,榮獲未來鼓王爭霸戰冠軍、 龍騰虎躍組【鼓動神韻】亞軍、自由式組優異獎。
Charlie Lui – dizi/Chinese bamboo flutes 笛子
A multiple award winner, Charlie masters a wide range of Chinese wind instruments. He is a member of the Sound of Dragon Ensemble, BC Chinese Music Ensemble, Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra, and the principal dizi player of the BC Chinese Music Orchestra. As a soloist, Charlie has performed numerous dizi concerti and has released a number of CDs. In 2011, he premiered concerto grosso“Tsuur Song” by Dr. Ning Wang with the Nu:BC and the BC Chinese Music Ensemble in a Canada-China collaboration. In the same year Charlie also performed Steve Chatman’s “Earth Songs” with Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. Charlie studied the dizi with Jian Min Pan in Vancouver and Wei‐Yu Tan in China.
Charlie Lui 呂畇初 – dizi 笛子
呂畇初 – 笛子
呂畇初出生於音樂世家,六歲隨父親呂其嶺學習大提琴,自1995年起學習中國笛並參加中樂團。1996年移民溫哥華後隨笛子演奏家潘建明學習、2000年赴中國隨上海音樂學院譚謂裕教授學習。曾經於溫哥華Kiwanis 音樂節贏得多個獎項,亦參與灌錄多張唱片。 現擔任庇詩中樂團笛子首席、龍吟滄海樂團、庇詩華夏樂團、溫哥華多元文化管弦樂團團員。除了笛子以外,亦掌握了多種管樂器,包括尺八、簫、塤、口笛、排簫、巴烏、葫蘆絲等。曾於中國、香港、新加坡,及加拿大各省巡演。2011年與溫哥華交響樂團演出大型 音詩-地球之歌。自2016年起成為溫哥華管弦樂團音樂學校笛子教師。
Orchid Ensemble & Sutrisno Hartana
Re-united after their 2008 collaboration, Vancouver’s JUNO nominated Orchid Ensemble will once again collaborate with musician/interdisciplinary artist Dr. Sutrisno Hartana, originally from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. They will perform on a unique combination of instruments: Chinese instruments – erhu (Chinese violin) and zheng (Chinese zither); gamelan instruments – suling (Indonesian flutes) and gendèr (set of tuned metal pieces arranged on a stand); vocals of ethnic roots; and percussion instruments from different parts of the world. The music include compositions by Dr. Hartana and Lan Tung, and structured/free improvisations that fuse together the cultures these musicians have come from.
Orchid Ensemble 蘭韻樂團:
Lan Tung 董籃 – erhu (Chinese violin) & vocals
Dailin Hsieh 謝岱霖 – zheng (Chinese zither)
Jonathan Bernard – percussion
special guest Sutrisno Hartana – suling, vocals, gender
Sutrisno Hartana is an arts educator, ethnomusicologist, researcher, and performer of gamelan and wayang (Indonesian puppetry) in North America. He has completed his doctoral degree in Art History and Visual Studies at the University of Victoria in Canada. He hold a MA in Ethnomusicology from the University of British Columbia in Canada. As a Javanese performing artist, he graduated his bachelor degree from the Indonesian Institute of Arts in Yogyakarta, Java. In 2004, the King of Paku Alaman garnered him the title “Mas Lurah Lebda Swara” making him a court musician at the Paku Alaman Palace in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He has toured/performed/taught internationally in both traditional and contemporary performances throughout Asia, Europe, and North America. Sutrisno has taught at School for the Contemporary Arts Simon Fraser University, and the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, as well as at Ningbo University in China.
Sutrisno Hartana and Orchid Ensemble 蘭韻樂團 2008 collaboration
music composed by Dr. Sutrisno Hartana (male vocal at 5:20)
Orchid Ensemble 蘭韻樂團
Established in 1997, the JUNO nominated Orchid Ensemble is acclaimed as “one of the most adventurous groups uniting Eastern and Western musical traditions” (Georgia Straight). The ensemble regularly commissions and premieres new compositions. It has embraced a variety of styles in its repertoire, ranging from Taiwanese and Chinese music, World Music, New Music to Creative Improvisation. Its highly regarded interdisciplinary productions fuse music, dance (contemporary, aerial, flamenco, Chinese…etc), visual arts, and media arts. The ensemble collaborates with artists from various genres, exploring new grounds and breaking down boundaries. In addition, the ensemble has created unique collections of works for its choral, orchestral, and cross-cultural collaboration projects.
Orchid Ensemble