Improvising East, Enchanting East 東西跨界即興-臺灣&溫哥華
Paul Plimley (Vancouver), Shih-Yang Lee 李世揚 (Taiwan), Li Tung 董籬 (Taiwan) & Lan Tung 董籃 (Vancouver)
Sunday April 24, 2016 – 8:30-9:30pm, Performance Centre, Roundhouse
9:30pm Festival Closing 音樂節閉幕
joining the musicians on stage are Ling Husan Shen (Taiwan), Dailin Hsieh (Taiwan Art of Zheng), Ying Chun Chen (Taiwan Art of Zheng), Chun De Liu (Taiwan Ka Dao Yin), Shao Huan Hung (Taiwan Ka Dao Yin), Klaus Bru (Taiwan/UK Ka Dao Yin)
The meeting of two of the most creative pianists from the west and the east, this exciting concert will feature Paul Plimley and Shih-Yang Lee, the two piano geniuses on ONE piano. Plimley will also switch to electric guitar and vibraphone at some point to give Lee some extra elbow space. Joining them are Taiwanese painter and writer Li Tung and Taiwanese Canadian erhu player Lan Tung. This is improvisation crossing the disciplines of music and visual arts. Li improvises with large brush and bold colour inks over large canvas surrounded by the musicians. It is a feast to the ears and eyes.

董籬,1971年出生於台北,畢業於國立藝專美術科。多樣性的跨領域藝術家,主要包括繪畫、寫作、表演藝術、裝置藝術、設計等。2010年開始嘗試將繪畫融入即興表演藝術。加入MAFIA Ensemble,參與多次演出,與臺灣及日本許多藝術家跨界合作演出。並於2013年執導【異始、慾言】行動劇場。1991年舉辦第一次個人畫展,二十多年來繪畫作品於各地畫廊與藝術中心展出,為臺灣歷史最悠久的【五月畫會】成員。長期創作小說,曾任許多雜誌及媒體專欄作家。以《紅色巨塔》獲台灣文學獎短篇小說佳作,《一張彩券與半窗風景》獲台北縣文學獎小說獎佳作。2008年出版小說《太王四神記》三部曲、2009年出版《痞子英雄之高義檔案》、2011年出版《羅密歐與朱麗葉與殭屍》成為暢銷作家。現為自由創作者。
董籃,二胡演奏家、作曲家、蘭韻中樂團藝術總監、龍吟滄海音樂節藝術總監,美國獨立音樂獎(Independent Music Awards)得主,曾任溫哥華跨文化交響樂團副主席,並獲加拿大朱諾音樂獎(JUNO)、加拿大獨立音樂獎、加西音樂獎(Western Canadian Music Awards)等多項提名。董籃的音樂融合不同民族風格,並以現代手法體現,透過即興演奏,融合東西方音樂思維。董籃曾與溫哥華交響樂團、Montreal Metropolitain交響樂團、阿姆斯特丹Atlas Ensemble、溫哥華Turning Point Ensemble、Nova Scotia交響樂團、台灣小巨人絲竹樂團等合作,演出二胡協奏曲及自己的作品。董籃生於臺灣,曾就讀師大附中、中國文化大學音樂系,多次獲臺灣音樂比賽二胡第一名,師事黃正銘、陳淑芬、李鎮東、吳贛伯,並獲加拿大政府獎項,隨陳潔冰、張方鳴進修。更遠赴印度、埃及、新疆,學習當地傳統音樂,並赴歐洲與Barry Guy、Mary Oliver學習即興演奏。
Paul Plimley (Vancouver) – piano, electric guitar, vibraphone
Since the mid 1970’s Paul Plimley has been actively developing his music out of the continuum of American and European music traditions. He has played and toured with many great improvisers in jazz and new music from around the globe. Plimley has released over 30 CDs, LPs and TV music documentaries, which have been well received by many who show a passion for music beyond disco. His hundreds of compositions cover all media: orchestra, jazz bands, solo piano/marimba/guitar excursions, CD ROM, electronic music, music for modern dance, and movie soundtracks. He has developed his music to a high degree performing on piano, guitar, and the marimba/ vibraphone. As well as being a ping pong enthusiast and Finnegans Wake scholar, Paul has been known to groove in sunny warm weather in a variety of intriguing disguises. He takes comedy very seriously and has difficulty spelling the word trajedy. And he is always ready to remind us that music generates heat. “The present day composer refuses to die!” Hotcha!!
Shih-Yang Lee (Taiwan) – piano
Shih-Yang Lee, from Taipei, has performed and recorded in Asia and Europe, among others with illustrious names like Sabu Toyozumi, Fred van Hove, Sainkho Namtchylak, Carlos Zingaro, Umezu Kazutoki, Tobias Delius, Luc Houtkamp, and many more. In addition, he has made himself a name as a composer and performer in some of the best drama and dance companies in Taiwan. His live album “Galactic Alignment” won the “Honorary Mention of the New Releases of the 2014 of New York City Jazz Record.
Li Tung (Taiwan) – painting
Born in 1971 in Taipei, Li graduated from the School of Visual Arts at the National Taiwan University of Arts. An artist crossing many genres, he is a painter, writer, performing artist, installation artist, and designer. Since 2010, Li started to perform live painting with improvising musicians and dancers. He joined the acclaimed MAFIA Ensemble, the leading force in Taiwan’s experimental and improvisational arts scene, with a particular focus on interdisciplinary practices. Li has collaborate with numerous Taiwanese and Japanese artists at “Create Music” festival. In the past 20 years, his artworks has been exhibited at various galleries in Taiwan, including the Taipei Arts Gallery. He is a member of “May Artists Collective”, Taiwan’s most influential and longstanding artists collection. Li’s novels and short stories have won numerous awards. He has been published in Taiwan and China. He also directed a theatre production in 2013.
Lan Tung (Vancouver) – erhu & vocal
Crossing between Vancouver’s new music, improvised music and world music scenes, erhu/Chinese violin performer and composer Lan Tung is the artistic director of the Orchid Ensemble, Sound of Dragon Society, and Proliferasian. Lan has appeared as a soloist with Orchestre Metropolitain (Montreal) and Symphony Nova Scotia, and as a soloist/composer with Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Turning Point Ensemble (Vancouver), Upstream Ensemble (Halifax), Atlas Ensemble (Amsterdam & Helsinki), and Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra (Taipei). Lan’s compositions are released on numerous CDs, winning an International Independent Music Awards and multiple nominations by the JUNO Awards, Canadian Independent Music Awards, Canadian Folk Music Awards, and Western Canadian Music Awards. Originally from Taiwan, Lan has studied graphic score with Barry Guy, improvisation with Mary Oliver, Hindustani music with Kala Ramnath, and Uyghur music with Abdukerim Osman, in addition to her studies of Chinese music since a young age. At the Vancouver Creative Music Institute (2007-2009), she has studied and performed with Han Bennink (Holland), Barry Guy, Evan Parker, John Butcher (UK), Francois Houle, Paul Plimley…etc.
Ling Hsuan Shen – sheng (Chinese mouth organ)
Shen has studied music in conservatory training since elementary school. She studied the sheng with Tsai Mei-Hua, Chen Hsiao-Ping, Huang Lung-Yi and Su Wen-Cheng; music theory with Yu Hsing-Yi and Huang Chao-Ying. She received her master degree in sheng performance from the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan. Shen has won many music awards, including the first prize of the Sheng Solo Competition organized by Chinese Music Association, Taiwan, R.O.C. She has given solo recitals in many prestigious venues, including the National Concert Hall, Taipei City Government Performance Hall, the Metropolitan Hall of Taipei Cultural Center, and Forum Music. Ling is a soloist with Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra and a member of Taipei Chinese Orchestra Academy Orchestra and Taipei Youth Chinese Orchestra. Shen teaches the sheng at a number of schools in Taiwan.