photo Ka Dao Yin (Taiwan), photographer Chang Chih-Chen
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卡到音即興樂團 Ka Dao Yin 首次來溫哥華
成立於2009年8月,「卡到音」由台灣鋼琴家李世揚及德籍薩克斯風演奏家卡領軍。團名「卡到音」諧音“卡到陰”- 英文 to be caught up in,形容陷入了某種膠著的狀態;中文則說明了即興演奏時可能遭遇的危險與未知,演奏者如遇鬼魅般的神祕經驗。「卡到音」的音樂裡,同時存在著前衛的聲響實驗、純樸的民族樂風、嚴謹的古典思維、動感的爵士搖滾,這是一種難以定義,具多重性且融合的新音樂。
「卡到音」的演出,由音樂廳、爵士音樂節、世界音樂節、藝廊、美術館、到實驗音樂沙龍。2013年10月受邀至巴黎外國文化週(Semaine des cultures étrangères à Paris),於Salle Edmond Michelet Cité Internationale des Arts演出。樂團並經常邀請來自日本、德國、義大利、法國等不同背景的樂手合作,激發新的火花。
鋼琴|李世揚 跨足於古典音樂與即興演奏的鋼琴家,「卡到音即興樂團」召集人。其合作過的藝術家來自於各領域,含括音樂、戲劇、舞蹈、繪畫、多媒體等。2012年他與驫舞劇場合作的《兩男關係》,獲選第十一屆台新藝術獎表演藝術類年度十大。此外,他也曾與歐洲鋼琴巨擘Fred van Hove合作,並且發行《冬至 Galactic Alignment》,獲得美國 The New York City Jazz Record 年度新發行榮譽提名,2013年夏季受邀至法國米魯斯 MÉTÉO 音樂節演出,為三十年來首位榮登該音樂節的台灣人。新專輯與日籍自由即興老將豐住芳三郎的《樂無歇- 鋼琴與擊樂的即興現場》亦廣受好評。
笙|洪紹桓 (Hung Shao-Huan),台灣台中市人,畢業於國立台南藝術大學中國音樂學系 主修「笙」,跨足於中國音樂、西洋古典音樂與爵士音樂演奏,是但當代兼具演奏技術與全面性音樂風格之青年笙演奏家。他曾創新改編多首不同的樂曲由笙演奏,尤其擅長於Tango曲風的掌握。2007年赴中國參與CCTV中央電視台器樂大賽奪得銅獎,是台灣唯一得獎者。多次隨台中大中國樂團赴多國參與大型演出,並擔任協奏與獨奏,目前擔任樂團首席。2012年獲得台灣學生音樂比賽大專組第一名。2014年受邀於台中『唯心電視台』接受專訪以及舉辦專場演出。6月舉辦個人專場演奏會,大受好評。7月更獲選外交部國際青年大使,遠赴拉丁美洲四國進行文化外交。2015年受邀於首屆上海笙藝術週 ,以及武漢音樂學院笙藝術節演出。
古箏|劉俊德 畢業於台南藝術大學中國音樂學系,主修古箏,曾獲台灣區音樂比賽古箏組第二名。曾於交通大學音樂研究所作曲組深造,並跟隨董昭民、李子聲教授學習作曲。現為卡到音即興樂團成員、古箏演奏家、自由音樂創作者。其音樂創作類型廣泛,多次受邀譜寫器樂獨奏、室內樂合奏曲等,並創作劇場音樂。在深厚的傳統音樂背景下,他的即興演奏卻能跳出傳統框架,追尋靈活創意的嶄新聲音。同時他也以舞者身分活躍於舞台上,曾為台南人劇團演員、竹塹舞人舞蹈劇場、林文中舞團團員。目前為安娜琪舞蹈劇場舞者。
Ka Dao Yin (Taiwan) – Canadian debut
Saturday April 23, 2016 – 8:30-9:30pm, Performance Centre, Roundhouse
Other performances:
April 21, 8pm – Light Shadow Fire – Shih-Yang Lee and Klaus Bru meet Vancouver improvisers at Western Front, co-presented by Sound of Dragon Society, NOW Society and Western Front
April 23, 4:00-5:00pm Klaus Bru joins Ling Husan Shen – improvisation conversation between the saxophone and the sheng at the Roundhouse’s Performance Centre: 181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver
April 23, 10pm-12am Chun Te Liu and Shao Huan Hung participate at Freedom Muzik with Vancouver improvisers at China Cloud: 524 Main St. Vancouver
April 24, 1:20-2:20pm Shao Huan Hung sheng solo concert with Shih Yang Lee piano accompaniment at the Roundhouse’s Performance Centre
April 24, 4-5pm Chun Te Liu joins Dailin Hsieh in a zheng concert the Roundhouse’s Performance Centre
April 24, 8:30-9:30pm Improvising East, Enchanting West, Shih Yang Lee and Paul Plimley, two of the most adventurous pianists of the east and west, with Lan Tung on erhu and Li Tung painting
April 24, 9:30pm Ka Dao Yin joins the full festival line up at a special Festival Closing presentation at the Roundhouse’s Performance Centre
Performing improvised music on a cross-cultural instrumentation, Ka Dao Yin’s members are based in Taipei and London. With its signature combination of piano, C-saxophone, sheng (Chinese mouth organ), and zheng (Chinese zither), the music of Ka Dao Yin stands at the crossroads of contemporary classical music, Chinese folk music, free improvisation, and jazz. The unmistakable acoustic sound of Ka Dao Yin fits equally well at a concert hall, a jazz festival, a world music event, an art gallery, a museum, or an experimental music ghetto.
The name Ka Dao Yin 卡到音 (pronounced Kǎ Dào Īn) is a transliteration of a Taiwanese wordplay which means ‘getting caught up in something’, — in Ka Dao Yin‘s case, it means loosely structured, but deeply felt, expressive improvisation with intuitive interplay between the group members.
Founded in 2009, Ka Dao Yin is co-led by Taiwanese pianist Shih-Yang Lee and German saxophonist Klaus Bru, who are both prominent figures on the improvisation music circuit. Lee’s music is rooted in his solid classical training, while Bru came from his jazz background. The other members of the ensemble bring with them influences of traditional Chinese music. Ka Dao Yin has performed at the Taichung Jazz Festival (2012 & 2013, Taiwan) and the“Semaine des cultures étrangères” Festival (2013, Paris). Ka Dao Yin has recorded film music, and collaborated with choreographers, sound artists, and musicians from Japan, Germany, Italy, France, and Taiwan.
Ka Dao Yin‘s two CDs have both won prestigious awards in Taiwan: “Four Characters” received the 2012 Taiwan Golden Indie Music Award for Best Jazz Album and Best Jazz Track; “Slow” received the 2014 Taiwan Golden Melody Award for Traditional Arts (equivalent to the Grammy) for Best Crossover Album, andKa Dao Yin was invited to perform at the nationally televised award ceremony.
Ka Dao Yin‘s both releases are concept albums: The pieces on “Four Characters” are all titled after a ʻcheng yuʼ, sets of four characters to form popular Mandarin idioms depicting the essence of a life situation in a poetic or humorous way, and thus giving an ideal framework for Ka Dao Yin‘s improvisations. “Slow” is inspired by the painted Chinese character 慢 (pronounced ‘màn’) on the roads in Taiwan to remind the drivers to slow down. With a mix of meditative composed and improvised pieces,”Slow” also suggests a slower life pace for the urban dwellers.
Ka Dao Yin (Taiwan) – Canadian debut
Saturday April 23, 2016 – 8:30-9:30pm, Performance Centre, Roundhouse
Other performances:
April 21, 8pm – Light Shadow Fire – Shih-Yang Lee and Klaus Bru meet Vancouver improvisers at Western Front, co-presented by Sound of Dragon Society, NOW Society and Western Front
April 23, 4:00-5:00pm Klaus Bru joins Ling Husan Shen – improvisation conversation between the saxophone and the sheng at the Roundhouse’s Performance Centre: 181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver
April 23, 10pm-12am Shih Yang Lee and Shao Huan Hung participate at Freedom Muzik with Vancouver improvisers at China Cloud: 524 Main St. Vancouver
April 24, 1:20-2:20pm Shao Huan Hung sheng solo concert with Shih Yang Lee piano accompaniment at the Roundhouse’s Performance Centre
April 24, 4-5pm Chun Te Liu joins Dailin Hsieh in a zheng concert the Roundhouse’s Performance Centre
April 24, 8:30-9:30pm Improvising East, Enchanting West, Shih Yang Lee and Paul Plimley, two of the most adventurous pianists of the east and west, with Lan Tung on erhu and Li Tung painting
April 24, 9:30pm Ka Dao Yin joins the full festival line up at a special Festival Closing presentation at the Roundhouse’s Performance Centre
Performing improvised music on a cross-cultural instrumentation, Ka Dao Yin’s members are based in Taipei and London. With its signature combination of piano, C-saxophone, sheng (Chinese mouth organ), and zheng (Chinese zither), the music of Ka Dao Yin stands at the crossroads of contemporary classical music, Chinese folk music, free improvisation, and jazz. The unmistakable acoustic sound of Ka Dao Yin fits equally well at a concert hall, a jazz festival, a world music event, an art gallery, a museum, or an experimental music ghetto.
The name Ka Dao Yin 卡到音 (pronounced Kǎ Dào Īn) is a transliteration of a Taiwanese wordplay which means ‘getting caught up in something’, — in Ka Dao Yin‘s case, it means loosely structured, but deeply felt, expressive improvisation with intuitive interplay between the group members.
Founded in 2009, Ka Dao Yin is co-led by Taiwanese pianist Shih-Yang Lee and German saxophonist Klaus Bru, who are both prominent figures on the improvisation music circuit. Lee’s music is rooted in his solid classical training, while Bru came from his jazz background. The other members of the ensemble bring with them influences of traditional Chinese music. Ka Dao Yin has performed at the Taichung Jazz Festival (2012 & 2013, Taiwan) and the“Semaine des cultures étrangères” Festival (2013, Paris). Ka Dao Yin has recorded film music, and collaborated with choreographers, sound artists, and musicians from Japan, Germany, Italy, France, and Taiwan.
Ka Dao Yin‘s two CDs have both won prestigious awards in Taiwan: “Four Characters” received the 2012 Taiwan Golden Indie Music Award for Best Jazz Album and Best Jazz Track; “Slow” received the 2014 Taiwan Golden Melody Award for Traditional Arts (equivalent to the Grammy) for Best Crossover Album, andKa Dao Yin was invited to perform at the nationally televised award ceremony.
Ka Dao Yin‘s both releases are concept albums: The pieces on “Four Characters” are all titled after a ʻcheng yuʼ, sets of four characters to form popular Mandarin idioms depicting the essence of a life situation in a poetic or humorous way, and thus giving an ideal framework for Ka Dao Yin‘s improvisations. “Slow” is inspired by the painted Chinese character 慢 (pronounced ‘màn’) on the roads in Taiwan to remind the drivers to slow down. With a mix of meditative composed and improvised pieces,”Slow” also suggests a slower life pace for the urban dwellers.
Shih-Yang Lee (Piano), from Taipei, has performed and recorded in Asia and Europe, among others with illustrious names like Sabu Toyozumi, Fred van Hove, Sainkho Namtchylak, Carlos Zingaro, Umezu Kazutoki, Tobias Delius, Luc Houtkamp, and many more. In addition, he has made himself a name as a composer and performer in some of the best drama and dance companies in Taiwan. His live album “Galactic Alignment” won the “Honorary Mention of the New Releases of the 2014 of New York City Jazz Record.
Klaus Bru (Saxophone), a German, who has lived in Taiwan and China for decades, has worked with an abundance of artists in dissimilar musical contexts, covering a spectrum from Experimental Noise, Electronica, to Mainstream Jazz, and Pop Music. Bru is one of only a handful of saxophonists who specialize in the rare C-saxes, which he likes to electrify and treat like a guitar. He has performed and recorded with Marc Ribot, Sunny Murray, Franz Hautzinger, Peter Herbert, Michael Moser, Bilal Karaman, Li Jian-Hong, Aming Liang, Sabu Toyozumi, and Eddie Prevost.
Hung Shao Huan (Sheng) , born in Taichung, Taiwan, completed his sheng (Chinese mouth organ) studies at Tainan National University of the Art. One of today’s most skillful young sheng players, Hung has demonstrated outstanding performances of Chinese music, Western classical music, jazz, and tango. Hung was the only Taiwanese prize winner at the CCTV Instrumental Music Competition in 2007. He is the concert master of DACHUNG Chinese Orchestra, and he has performed as a soloist with the orchestra around the world. In 2012, he came in the first place at Taiwan Student Music Competition. After being featured in an exclusive interview on Wei Xin television in 2014, Hung held his acclaimed solo recital in June. In July, he was elected as a youth ambassador of Taiwan and traveled to South America for a cultural exchange tour. In September 2015, Hung was invited to perform at several international music festivals, including the Shanghai Sheng Festival and Wuhan Music Academy Sheng Festival.
Chun-Te Liu (Guzheng) is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese music. He graduated from the Chinese Music Department at Tainan National University of the Arts, majoring in guzheng. Later he studied composition at Chiao Tung University in Hsin-Chu, Taiwan. He now works as a dancer with a number of Taiwanese dance companies, while contributing as a composer and performer on the zheng.
listen to more Ka Dao Yin’s music: