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Silk Road Music 絲綢之路音樂團-從東方民謠到世界音樂

Saturday April 23, 2016 – 1:20-2:20pm, Performance Centre, Roundhouse

Graphic designer: Jane Miller

Silk Road Music (Vancouver) was formed in 1991 by virtuoso pipa player Qiu Xia He(Chu Sha Her), who came to Canada in 1989 after teaching at the Xian Music Academy of China. With thousands of concerts around the world, the aim of finding the perfect musical moment still remains the goal. Weaving the 2000 year old Chinese Pipa into the magic carpet of music, while Andre Thibault is plucking the Spanish guitar and oud, Liam MacDonald striking the Brazilian tambourine and Ron Hadley pounding the Jazz piano, this concert sparks and boils like music is supposed to: Live!
Silk Road Music’s goal has always been to develop new expressions for intercultural music, featuring compositions that enhance the understanding of Chinese and World culture. Its musicians explore and extend the range of the ancient pipa, from classical Chinese to modern works of their own and other composers. Silk Road Music is the only Chinese ensemble in Canada that has twice won a West Coast Music Award and also several Canadian music awards nominations. Its music has been featured on CBC, BBC International, Radio France. It has toured many festivals in Europe, US  and Canada, including guest appearances with symphony orchestras such as Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary and Calispell Montana US. It also performed in hundreds of schools, senior centers and conventions around the World. 
For more details in French, Chinese and Spanish, please go to:

丝绸之路音乐团以崭新的中西合作方式,用千年的民族乐器奏出异乡的浪漫,以中外艺术家的智慧唱出中国音乐的优美。丝绸之路乐团是一个活跃在北美主流社会的中国专业音乐团体,自1991年在温哥华成立后,乐团走遍了加拿大所有的主要城市,並經常在美國巡演,於众多的艺术节和音乐会中受到世界各地观众的赞扬。丝绸之路乐团以其独特的艺术风格和精彩的表演技巧,为中国音乐的普及和弘扬搭起了一座坚实的桥梁。除在加拿大完成了千场的音乐会外,乐团并应英国BBC电台和法国南部艺术节邀請,录制实况音乐会和巡迴演出。團長琵琶演奏家何秋霞曾与许多世界著名音乐家合作,并受加拿大温哥华交响乐团和美国科雷社交响乐团邀请演出協奏曲。丝绸之路乐团則与加拿大卡城交响乐团和维多利亚交响乐团合作,举办专场音乐会。乐团的CD【天涯】和【乡音】先后入选加西音樂獎「最佳世界音乐」,【天涯】獲得加拿大最有權威的朱诺奖提名。2006年1月,第三張CD【琵琶行】在全加拿大隆重发行,深受广大听众的欢迎,被提名两项加拿大民间音乐奖。2012年1月,【立气】出版后, 曾在CBC国家电台反复播出。丝绸之路乐团的其他團員包括加拿大著名西班牙吉它手 Andre Thibault 安德鲁蒂博演奏吉它、打击乐;特约的音乐家有打击乐手 Liam MacDonald、鋼琴家Ron Hadley。 

何秋霞 琵琶
秋霞自到温哥华后,勤奋努力,博采众长,专心探索中国音乐在海外发展的道路。曾发起重多项目以推广人们对传统中国音乐的认识,【丝绸之路音乐团】即是其成功的一例,乐团多次在美国,加拿大和英国巡回演出, 在温哥华奥林匹克运动会期间,她联续三年被约举办大型世界音乐会。多年来,她和世界各地的音乐家多次合作,力求不断完善琵琶的演奏技巧和音乐风格,以温哥华的多元文化生活为源泉,创立她独特的音乐语言,是一个兼有中国和世界音乐风格的琵琶演奏家。

安聚理 吉它,路特,笛,打击乐